Welcome to the official website for Freemasonry in Weymouth, Dorset.

Discover Freemasonry

The Brethren of All Souls 170 extend a warm welcome to our website visitors and invite you to discover Freemasonry. Produced by and filmed at the United Grand Lodge of England in London, this short video gives an overview of what Freemasonry is, what it does and who it is for.

On our site you can find out more about our history in the town along with details of some of the charities we have supported and discover how you can take that all important first step to becoming a Freemason.

What is Freemasonry?

Produced by and filmed at the United Grand Lodge of England in London, this short video gives an overview of what Freemasonry is to its members.

As mentioned in the video, "It means something different to everybody". This shows how Freemasonry appeals to its member in so many different ways, all tied together in fellowship through our Values.

Below, some of our members share their reasons for joining and, as you will see, they are all different but all share a love and enjoyment of Freemasonry itself.

We have been in Weymouth a LONG time!

One of our core values. Find out more.

Ever wondered how to join? Find out here.